Permission Request Form
It is the form that allows you to manage your employees' permission requests.
Business Card Request Form
Is the form that provides a contact request for the standards.
Performance Form
The form of employees are forming the performance abrokers.
Talent Management Form
It is an established system to determine the competence areas of employees and follow the development of competence development.
Journey Form
Is the form that allows employees to be planned.
Attorney Form
Users are controlled in the KFORM system, the system has been installed with this proxy to proceed with this proxy, and to record these proxies.
Employee Demand Form
It is the form that determines the principles for receiving, evaluating and allocating future personnel demands.
Temporary Element Claim Form
Is the form that temporarily demand element for a branch or unit.
Personnel Notification Form
The staff is the form that allows the notification and follow-up of the actions to be taken.
Additional Study Notification Form
It is the form that allows employees to transfer additional studies to the HR pay system.